A Clockwork Orange

Obal knihy A Clockwork Orange

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Spisovateľ: Burgess Anthony
Vydavateľ: Methuen
Rok vydania: 1998
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: J9759

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Alex and his vicious teenage gang revel in horrific violence, mugging and gang rape. Alex also revels in the music of Beethoven. The gang communicates in a language which is as complicated as their actions. When a drug-fuelled night of fun ends in murder, Alex is finally busted and banged up. He is given a choice- be brainwashed into good citizenship and set free, or face a lifetime inside... v angličtine, brožovaná, cca 70 strán

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Spisovatel: Kolektív autorov, Saunders college 1989
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The snare of the hunter

Spisovatel: MacInnes Helen, Collins 1974
Katalogové číslo: L1327

MacInnes Helen - The snare of the hunter Irina Kusak flees Czechoslovakia to seek her Nobel-laureate father in Austria. She finds herself drawn into a political intrigue with terrifying consequences. Is she the bait in a trap to snare her father, or is she playing a part in an even more insidious scheme with incredibly high stakes?... v angličtine, obal, tvrdá väzba, 287 strán

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Soldier, ask not

Spisovatel: Dickson Gordon R., Daw Books 1975
Katalogové číslo: G1543

Dickson Gordon R. - Soldier, ask not On the sixteen colonized worlds, mankind had changed, evolved into something that was slightly more than human...and slightly less. Men of War on the Dorsai worlds, men of Faith on the Friendly Worlds of Harmony and Association, men of Science, the Exotics of Kultis and Mara, and the Splinter cultures which had produced even stranger new talents.Those who knew said it was the Dorsai who supplied soldiers to the sixteen worlds. The Friendlies supplied cannon fodder, common soldiers who could be relied on to obey orders at all times.But even cannon fodder can sometimes produce genius. Jamethon Black is a true soldier, and a true man of faith. Now he must face a deadly enemy--an enemy whose defeat will forever separate Black from the only woman he has ever loved.... v angličtine, brožovaná, malý formát, 225 strán

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