Mr. MacGregor

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Cena: €1,20 (31 Kč)
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Spisovateľ: Titchmarsh Alan
Vydavateľ: Pocket Books
Rok vydania: 1998
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: G7324

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Rob MacGregor, hired to recapture the declining audience for a daytime gardening programme, quickly becomes Britain's latest heartthrob. The only trouble is, Rob's co-presenter is not at all pleased to see his thunder stolen. Nor is Rob's longterm girlfriend, Katherine, pleased to find out that Rob's been having a steamy affair with one of the TV station's newsreaders...Rob's career goes from strength to strength, but he finds the in-fighting and TV politics harder and harder to cope with - and he's becoming increasingly concerned about his recently widowed father, who seems to be in danger of losing the small nursery the family has run for generations. Somebody is desperate to buy that land, and Rob is determined to find out why... v angličtine,malý formát,brožovaná,296 strán

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