Movies of the seventies

Obal knihy Movies of the seventies

Cena: €8,00 (207 Kč)
Pre Vás: €7,60 (197 Kč)
Zľava: 5 %
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Spisovateľ: Kolektív autorov
Vydavateľ: Orbis
Rok vydania: 1984
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: N9101

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The 1970s: that magical era betwixt the swinging 60s and the decadent 80s, the epoch of leisure suits and Afros, the age of disco music and platform shoes. As war raged on in Vietnam and the cold war continued to escalate, Hollywood began to heat up, recovering from its commercial crisis with box-office successes such as Star Wars, Jaws, The Exorcist, and The Godfather... v angličtine, tvrdá väzba bez obalu, veľký formát, 223 strán

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