Beyond the Robe

Obal knihy Beyond the Robe

Cena: €48,00 (1 244 Kč)
Pre Vás: €45,60 (1 181 Kč)
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Spisovateľ: Sager Bobby
Vydavateľ: Power house books
Rok vydania: 2012
Stav knihy: 4 z 5
Katalogové číslo: O4193

Kategória v ktorej je kniha zaradená:

Twelve years ago, the Sager Family Foundation, the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, and the Dalai Lama's private office began a groundbreaking program called Science for Monks to teach Western science to Tibetan monks and nuns. Recently, Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama announced a decision by the leaders of the monasteries to make the study of Western science part of the core curriculum required of all monastic scholars in the Gelug tradition... v angličtine, tvrdá väzba, veľký formát, 310 strán, na prednej strane venovanie s podpisom autora

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