Knižní TIP v oddelení Encyklopédie

Obal knihy International Dictionary of Art and Artists

Kniha - International Dictionary of Art and Artists

This two-volume work presents an interesting overview of the history of art. The Artists volume is an alphabetical arrangement of the most significant artists from the 13th to the 20th centuries. The entries on each artist, chosen by the panel of contributors, include a short biography, a list of collections that have the artist's work, a bibliography of books and journal articles about the artist, and a signed critical essay. Art has a chronological arrangement of 500 works of art from Cimabue to Hockney. The art works included are either the artist's acknowledged masterpiece or a representative piece of the artist's work. While color reproductions would have enhanced the visual quality of these volumes, the black-and-white reproductions are of high quality and in most cases provide a clear representation of the artist's work... v angličtine, tvrdé väzby, veľké formáty, 926 + 1008 strán

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Cena: €99,90 (2 588 Kč)
Pre Vás: €94,91 (2 459 Kč)

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International Dictionary of Art and Artists

Spisovatel: St. James Press, Cecil Gould, James Vinson 1990
Katalogové číslo: K9742

St. James Press, Cecil Gould - International Dictionary of Art and Artists This two-volume work presents an interesting overview of the history of art. The Artists volume is an alphabetical arrangement of the most significant artists from the 13th to the...

Stav knihy: 5 z 5

kúpiť Cena: €99,90 (2 588 Kč)
Pre Vás: €94,91 (2 459 Kč)

celkem 1 knih v sekci Encyklopédie
Zobraziť ďalšie knihy v sekcii -> Encyklopédie podla pismena I | 1

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