Nuclear Power and East-West Cooperation

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Spisovateľ: Silvi Cesare
Vydavateľ: Institute for East-West Security Studies
Rok vydania: 1989
Stav knihy: 5 z 5
Katalogové číslo: M7689

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The history of the Cold War was marked by technological competition in the military sphere and a widening technological and economic gap between East and West. Now, however, as East-West relations rapidly improve, new forms of cooperation are being explored which have the potential to strengthen and deepen ties between the two sides. Joint ventures and technological cooperation between East and West European nations have been established in tňareas ranging from agriculture to manufacturing; these enterprises have important ramifications for economic relations within Europe as well as for East-West relations more generally... v angličtine, brožovaná, 53 strán

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